An excellent unissued example of a genuine Vietnam War era U.S. Army/USMC flak vest large size. On first impression it appears identical to the M69 flak vest, this vest however was released 1 year earlier and is known as the 1968 flak vest, it's the same as the M69 with the exception of having polyethylene stiffeners into the fifth layer of ballistic nylon, this helped prevent the ballistic nylon becoming bunched. It features the ¾ inch collar and is fabricated from 12 piles of ballistic nylon which is still present and has not been removed, has grenade hangers over both cargo pockets, a pen compartment inside the left pocket and adjustable elastic draw cords on each side. Has the original and correctly working Scovill zipper and all the snap fasteners are present and in working order, both the zipper and poppers are in excellent shape and are like new. Manufactures label and care label attached with DSA (Defense Supply Agency) contract number DSA 100-68-C-2375 and was made in 1968. Rare to find in this condition and size.